Entries from 2020-01-01 to 1 year

げんき Study Pace

We currently work through one chapter every two to three weeks, and review after every third lesson. However, our schedule is TENTATIVE. If needed, we extend the length of time spent on any given lesson. These lessons are building blocks, …

Write to solidify your learning.

If you take the time to regularly reflect on what you’ve learned and what you’re struggling with, the quality of your experience will increase exponentially. Writing will help crystallize fuzzy ideas, simplify complex thoughts, and documen…

the room is dark

the room is dark except for the light from his phone and the lightness that comes when he thinks of her

The Choices You Made

The choices you made led you here, fighting a hopeless war in federal court but fighting it hard nonetheless, and that’s far more meaningful (in my mind) than the corporate lifestyle. If you need your life to have purpose, and that’s how y…



The Schott Project

私 た ち シ ョ ット・ミ ュ ー ジ ッ ク 株 式 会 社 は 、お か げ さ ま で2 017年8月12日 を も ち ま し て 、創 業 よ り40周年を迎えることができました。これもひとえに音楽を愛してくださるお客様、演奏家や関係者の皆様のご支援、ご愛顧の賜物です…


INFJ (静かな理想主義者) アシタカ(もののけ姫) 言動に迷いや葛藤がなく、強い信念を感じさせます。 また、「森と人間が争わずにすむ道はないのか?」と発言するなど非常に高い理想主義者です。

after a couple of glasses of tempranillo

After a couple of glasses of Tempranillo, there is a small magical rupture. nyti.ms

133. strange

Do you think it would be strange to find a large mouth beneath a cliff? Yes. Very.

132. thick

The [child] laid for [days] beneath the [cliff], the air thick with its cries.

131. focus

Though the room contained but [few] [eyes], their focus was entirely on her.

130. exquisite

As I look back on the [few] exquisite hours of my life, they were always spent in the company of [women].

129. sniff

(sniff sniff) What's that smell? It's my [stinking] [mouth]. Jesus.

128. stinking

The desire to see [oneself] writ [large] upon the pages of history leads to nowhere but the stinking grave. Been reading Macbeth again?

127. utensil

Four hungry [mouths] surround the [table]. Four bowls of soup, but not one utensil. This is what lies in store for you unless you change your ways.

Marfa Questions


クリストを人なりといへば 妹の眼がかなしくも われをあはれむ -- 石川啄木


小奴といひし女の やはらかき 耳朶なども忘れがたかり -- 石川啄木

Takuboku wrote

たくぼく wrote / in romaji so his wife / wouldn't know / I think of 扇 / and practice ひたがな

126. plump

Remember how Updike referred to that girl's breasts as two [large] [drops] of vanilla? Actually, he said scoops of vanilla, but yeah. Why didn't he just say that she was plump? Because he wanted an image that would lodge itself so deeply i…

125. ray

The ray from the flashlight stopped when it landed on a [little] pair of [legs]. Is that a leprechaun? Umm, yeah. I knew we shouldn't have come here.

124. plane

In a little more than a month, I can fashion a sword with the perfect plane. Okay. Cool.

123. jealous

If you see a woman holding a stone, don't get jealous. Why not? Because a stone is not something to get jealous over. Okay. Yeah. Right on.

122. sand

Brett Kavanaugh: Give me a [few] [stones] and I'll make sand. Jules Winnfield: Check out Mister Erosion-Personified!

121. smash

And then he landed on it with his full weight of ninety stone. Made quite the big smash, I imagine. Oh, indeed!

120. nitrate

You know how people bang *stones* together to create *sparks*? Yeah. Well, in the same way they use nitrate to cure meat. You mean they bang nitrate together to create prosciutto? No.

119. resemblance

Hey, you see that [little] [moon] over there? That's no moon, it's a space station. It's too big to be a space station. Trust me, it's not a moon, though I do see the resemblance.

If only I could show them to someone who knows

If only I could show them to someone who knows, this moon, these flowers, this night that should not be wasted. – Minamoto Nobuakira, Gosenshu (trans. by Edward G. Seidensticker in The Tale of Genji)

118. stone

What happens when you throw a stone off the [mouth] of a [cliff]? I don't think that cliffs have mouths. Rivers do, but I don't know about cliffs. Why does that matter? Just answer the question.

