Entries from 2020-08-01 to 1 month


クリストを人なりといへば 妹の眼がかなしくも われをあはれむ -- 石川啄木


小奴といひし女の やはらかき 耳朶なども忘れがたかり -- 石川啄木

Takuboku wrote

たくぼく wrote / in romaji so his wife / wouldn't know / I think of 扇 / and practice ひたがな

126. plump

Remember how Updike referred to that girl's breasts as two [large] [drops] of vanilla? Actually, he said scoops of vanilla, but yeah. Why didn't he just say that she was plump? Because he wanted an image that would lodge itself so deeply i…

125. ray

The ray from the flashlight stopped when it landed on a [little] pair of [legs]. Is that a leprechaun? Umm, yeah. I knew we shouldn't have come here.

124. plane

In a little more than a month, I can fashion a sword with the perfect plane. Okay. Cool.

123. jealous

If you see a woman holding a stone, don't get jealous. Why not? Because a stone is not something to get jealous over. Okay. Yeah. Right on.

122. sand

Brett Kavanaugh: Give me a [few] [stones] and I'll make sand. Jules Winnfield: Check out Mister Erosion-Personified!

121. smash

And then he landed on it with his full weight of ninety stone. Made quite the big smash, I imagine. Oh, indeed!

120. nitrate

You know how people bang *stones* together to create *sparks*? Yeah. Well, in the same way they use nitrate to cure meat. You mean they bang nitrate together to create prosciutto? No.

119. resemblance

Hey, you see that [little] [moon] over there? That's no moon, it's a space station. It's too big to be a space station. Trust me, it's not a moon, though I do see the resemblance.

If only I could show them to someone who knows

If only I could show them to someone who knows, this moon, these flowers, this night that should not be wasted. – Minamoto Nobuakira, Gosenshu (trans. by Edward G. Seidensticker in The Tale of Genji)

118. stone

What happens when you throw a stone off the [mouth] of a [cliff]? I don't think that cliffs have mouths. Rivers do, but I don't know about cliffs. Why does that matter? Just answer the question.



just as he thinks

just as he thinks / she has chosen not to write / she sends / a lovely poem / and surprises him again

this time of day

this time of day / he starts to anticipate / sunrise in にはん / when the light reconnects the / thread of their conversation

9:20 am ごぜ [ん]くじにじゅぅじ。 ごぜん くじ にじゅっぷん。 夏の夜は まだ宵ながら明けぬるを 雲のいづこに月宿るらむ Tanka = 短歌 Tanka Game = 百人一首 Japanese Drumming = 和太鼓


わたし = I わたしの = My わたしに = To me/For me あなた = you あなたの = your あなたに = To you/For you [name]の = Name's [name]の本。= Name's book. [name]の本だ。= (This is) Name's book. [name]の本です。= (This is) Name's book. *formal こ…

117. name

You ever heard of [evening] [mouth]? I've heard of "morning mouth." I'm just trying to think of a name for what I'm smelling coming from your direction right now.

116. outside

Good [evening]. That it may be, but we don't serve wizard-folk in here. Now you'd best take yourself and your [magic wand] outside.

115. nightfall/eventide

If you don't leave town before nightfall, I'm going to drop some pistol rounds on your shoes, little elf.

114. evening

Don't you think that the moon looks a bit like an elf's shoe this evening? It sure does.

113. many

So, what do you think of that extra [moon] that they put up there? Personally, I think it's one too many.

112. large

Our narrow fellow continues on across the cleavage of two large breasts, still searching.

111. few

So how many [drops] do you think we can get out of this [little] chicken foot here? he asked. Too few, I'm afraid. Far too few.

110. little

I see your little footprint, little dove. You can’t run from me forever, little dove.

109. overcome

His elder brother placed [ten] [spikes] all around the box. You're not going to get to look at my adult magazines until you learn to overcome your fear of needles, bro," he said. "That's all there is to it."

108. curse

You know what it means to be under about the "[elder-brother-mouth]" curse? No. What's it mean? It means is that you must not have an elder brother. 'Cause anybody that's got one knows ALL about it.

107. elder brother

Why's everybody call your elder brother "[mouthlegs]" anyway? Why? Shoot. I mean, just look at him.

106. pierce

Say, did I ever tell you 'bout the time [mama] tried to pierce my ear with a [shellfish] claw? So that's how that happened? I was wondering.